Prophetic Warnings-The Coming Storm
Friday, July 25, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
I would like to share a dream I had. There were Christians running for their lives and there was this spear machine that shot like a machine gun, and there were many spears fired at the people. I could hear the screams of the people trying to run for their lives. And the spears were hitting the intended targets and people were dying. And then I look at this death machine and all around it are soldiers, and at the top where the machine was being controlled was a woman who was ...dressed like a queen. And she was smiling as the killing of the people continued. Then the I look behind the machine and there were people having fun and partying. And a question was asked, "what is going on". And the answer was, " The queen is having all the people who are Christians killed because they Refuse to be like us". Then the scene shifts where there are people that are dead in all directions that you can see. Then this one man ask a question as he lays dying. How Long until You Avenge us, how Long till You Avenge our Blood . And then the voice say's," Be patient". And then the man say's, "How Long Must We Wait". And then the voice say's, IT'S ALMOST OVER". And then the man goes to sleep[dies]. And then the dream ended.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
I was in my time of prayer and worship before the Lord......
I have heard the cries of my people. I Am a God of great Grace, and Mercy and Compassion. I Am not willing that any soul perish, but that all will come to repentance. I will let America Reap what it has Sown and put them in the Winepress of God. And even as I sent the Prophet Jonah to announce the destruction of Nineveh. Then the people of Nineveh. Set their Heart on Me and Cried in sackcloth and ashes and Fasted before Me. I showed Mercy and did not pass final judgment at that time on Nineveh.
I will that My people will PRAY and CRY out for a NINEVEH MOMENT, an NINEVEH MOVE of God. And as I showed Mercy to Nineveh, so will I show Mercy to America, and I will bring Judgment for the sins of America. But I will not bring America to it's full end, NOT YET.
I give this Warning to America and all the Nations of the land. The End is Fast Approaching and you are Running out of Time. I AM going to bring a full end of this Age.
Repent and Turn to Me and ask for forgiveness of your sins while there is still Time.......
"Given by The Holy Spirit of the Only True and Living God to Min. Thomas Miracle for the Body of Christ and to All"........
I have heard the cries of my people. I Am a God of great Grace, and Mercy and Compassion. I Am not willing that any soul perish, but that all will come to repentance. I will let America Reap what it has Sown and put them in the Winepress of God. And even as I sent the Prophet Jonah to announce the destruction of Nineveh. Then the people of Nineveh. Set their Heart on Me and Cried in sackcloth and ashes and Fasted before Me. I showed Mercy and did not pass final judgment at that time on Nineveh.
I will that My people will PRAY and CRY out for a NINEVEH MOMENT, an NINEVEH MOVE of God. And as I showed Mercy to Nineveh, so will I show Mercy to America, and I will bring Judgment for the sins of America. But I will not bring America to it's full end, NOT YET.
I give this Warning to America and all the Nations of the land. The End is Fast Approaching and you are Running out of Time. I AM going to bring a full end of this Age.
Repent and Turn to Me and ask for forgiveness of your sins while there is still Time.......
"Given by The Holy Spirit of the Only True and Living God to Min. Thomas Miracle for the Body of Christ and to All"........
While I was in prayer, I was thanking the Lord for the Year of the Open Door and the Supernatural and thanking the Lord for the great things that are going to happen in 2014. And I heard these words in my spirit,
"THE WINEPRESS OF GOD"....And I said, "Wait a minute I'm not even thinking in this direction". Then I hear, " THERE IS A SPIRIT OF PHARAOH ON AMERICA AND I AM GOING TO BREAK IT".
I AM going to let America Reap what it has Sown, I AM will let them get caught in all their cunning craftiness and their wicked devices. And America and all who call me, "Lord Lord and Do Not the Things I Say WILL be Put in this Winepress". And I will squeeze them and all their man-made plans will fall apart before their Eyes. But those who are Mine will Not, they will see this. And as it was when My people were in bondage to Egypt and Pharaoh and brought the plagues upon the land of Egypt. Those who were in Zoan in the Land of Goshen, "I AM" protected them. And there will be a response of retaliation from those who are in this Winepress[Exodus 5:5-8].
My people Do Not Fear or Worry, Trust Me. Be Strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might, Stay Strong in My Faith and My Holy Word and with Burning Passionate Prayer and Fasting. So be READY...for those who are in the Winepress will cry and call out to Me and I will hear, and I will Birth and Bring Forth the next Great Awakening........
Given by the Holy Spirit of the Living God to Min. Thomas Miracle to the Body of Christ and to Whosoever the Lord will call.............
"THE WINEPRESS OF GOD"....And I said, "Wait a minute I'm not even thinking in this direction". Then I hear, " THERE IS A SPIRIT OF PHARAOH ON AMERICA AND I AM GOING TO BREAK IT".
I AM going to let America Reap what it has Sown, I AM will let them get caught in all their cunning craftiness and their wicked devices. And America and all who call me, "Lord Lord and Do Not the Things I Say WILL be Put in this Winepress". And I will squeeze them and all their man-made plans will fall apart before their Eyes. But those who are Mine will Not, they will see this. And as it was when My people were in bondage to Egypt and Pharaoh and brought the plagues upon the land of Egypt. Those who were in Zoan in the Land of Goshen, "I AM" protected them. And there will be a response of retaliation from those who are in this Winepress[Exodus 5:5-8].
My people Do Not Fear or Worry, Trust Me. Be Strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might, Stay Strong in My Faith and My Holy Word and with Burning Passionate Prayer and Fasting. So be READY...for those who are in the Winepress will cry and call out to Me and I will hear, and I will Birth and Bring Forth the next Great Awakening........
Given by the Holy Spirit of the Living God to Min. Thomas Miracle to the Body of Christ and to Whosoever the Lord will call.............
December 27, 2013 at 9:04pm
I was on the Midnight Watch during our turn at World Harvest Church in Yuma to be a part of Light the Fire in the Arizona Churches.....When the Holy Spirit spoke these words in my spirit....And as the Holy Spirit revealed to me what those words meant....There was a Holy Awareness that was quickened in me. In Isaiah 21 this is about the Babylonian empire coming to its end by the Persian-Mede empire. And Jehovah shows to Isaiah around 200 years before the end of this empire. The Watchman was put on his post or assignment and this question was being asked....The Watchman's response is the Morning comes and so does the Night.....And what I believe that meant was daylight comes and you still exist but when the night comes your power of rule of dominion and strength and invincibility will be over. Never again to rise FOREVER...And that is exactly what happened to the Babylonian empire...And then the Holy Spirit fast-forwards me to the hour we are in and says this to me..." As it was for natural Babylon so shall it be for the spiritual Babylon...I have heard the cryings and prayers of my people for a great Awakening and a Powerful move of my Holy Spirit...And I will bring that season of My Glory on all inhabitants of Earth...And I will Stir many hearts and I will bring great Conviction and an Outpouring of my Love and Compassion and whosoever comes to me I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT...And those who are truly READY and are the PRAYER WARRIORS will go to the Front lines...For they are Soldiers that are Battle Tested and are Battle Ready...I will Manifest a greater anointing on there lives for Signs,Miracles, and Wonders...And those who are on the Front Lines will Protect and Support and Defend those who are not on the front lines,but have My Grace on their lives, "by Prayer and Fasting"...And when this season is over, then the Night will come on this world. And then eternal Night comes for those who chose to love darkness. And eternal Light will come to those who walk in My Light and Love and are covered and washed by the Blood of the Lamb........
Given by the Holy Spirit of the Living God thru Min. Thomas Miracle to the Body of Christ and to all those who are able to receive......
Sunday, August 19, 2012
I am going to share a vision with you while i was praying in the spirit. I was not asking for this nor looking for it. But as i was praying i saw an aerial view of mountains and then hilly land that went to the water and then i looked and there was a bridge and there was a land mass connected to the other side. And then all of a sudden the mountains started moving back and forth and the bridge sta...
rted twisting and the the bridge was obliverated and pieces were flying everywhere. And i ask where is this place. And i heard these words,"San Francisco and great will be the fall of it!!!!!.......And then i wasn't sure if i was looking underground or was underground. And i saw 2 great masses of energy and they were powerful and moving at great speed toward each other from opposite directions. And they were on a collision course and they would collide underneath San Francisco(the epicenter).....I didn't hear no date or time given, but i did see a clock and the settings of the clock showed 11:59......The signs of the storm are here!!!!!.........San Francisco and all cities and nations..........REPENT----REP
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
THE DREAM 2010: Who were the creatures in the Dream!
In the dream as I ran from the room there was these creatures that were sucking the Life Blood out of a person and when I was spotted by the creature,the creature was chasing after me. Now the question is Why? I believe this is about satan and the demons and devils that are trying to suck the Spiritual Life out of the Church,the body of Christ. We see this in the World and in churches also, we see how the devil is using religion and people in the pulpit to bring glory to self and even some preachers are taking everything and not feeding the sheep. They give emotional feel good messages,but there is nothing Spiritually to strengthen the body of Christ! They have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof and look to promote self,instead of giving glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! And in the world we see the traps the enemy sets in people's lives,the lusts of the eyes,"GIVE ME THIS,I HAVE GOT HAVE THAT, and I NEED THAT TOO! The lust of the flesh,the flesh always pleasing itself in whatever it needs and the pride in our possesions,BIGGER HOUSE,NICER CAR,MORE MONEY and a BETTER JOB so WE can have BIGGER and BIGGER so WE can please our SELF! And all the time all we our doing is getting Trapped in our own Devices and we become Spiritually WEAKER and WEAKER and Spending less TIME with God and being more in Bondage to self. I want you all to read this,"The American Dream is a Lie!" There is no scripture that say's,"God's dream for you is the American Dream!" Jer 29:11 For I KNOW the Plans I have for you,"says the Lord."They are Plans for GOOD and not disaster,to give you a HOPE and a FUTURE! So don't believe the world's system or what people tell you,Believe God's Holy Word! Don't let the devil cheat you out of what God has for you. Seek the Lord read His Holy Word daily and Fast and Pray,get Strong in the Lord and in the Power of his Might,put on the whole armor of God. Find out for YOURSELF what God's word say's,search the scriptures,for in them you think YOU have eternal Life! And realize the devil is using Religion and Religious extremists to come against the Body of Christ,and that the devil is persecuting and attacking our Brothers and Sisters in Christ in other parts of the world. And that we need to pray for the Strength in the Lord that they will stay strong in the Lord and not become weak. It is time that the Body of Christ rise up and not be ENTANGLED with the world and let go of the WEIGHT and SIN which hinder us from running the race and to come in the complete fulness of what the Holy Spirit of the Living God has called us to do for such a time as this in Jesus Christ name I pray,Amen.Blessings
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