Friday, April 1, 2011

THE DREAM 2010"What did glass like room mean?"

In the dream I ran into a transparent glass room,and there were other people inside. I thought that if I got in this room where all the other people were I would escape and be free from the deadly tornado. And when I got in the room,tornados would come up to the glass and target individuals and go through the glass and suck them up and they would be destroyed. Now of course I got out of there cause I realized this was not the safe place I thought would be. So now the question has to be asked why in the dream is there a transparent glass room that is really not safe. Glass as we know is very common in our society,it is used in alot of items that are used today. And glass is breakable and most is transparent,but I believe the most important is that it is man-made. And when you look at it that way then the glass room starts to make sense. Man made religion,man trying to serve God their way,live anyway you want,be a member of a church and shake the preachers hand and give a little money and you are ok. live any way you want cause you are part of the church of man made glass,looks so good and feels just right,but yet is so vulnerable and breakable. And so when the storms come they will run to their glass man-made religious churches and they will think they are safe and destruction will come upon them and they will not escape. So then where can people go where they will be safe and is not man-made,answer the rock,and not just any rock,but the spiritual Rock Jesus Christ. In Deuteronomy 32:4 He is the Rock,Ps 18:2 a Fortress,Deliverer,Strength,Shield,Horn of my Salvation,Stronghold. Ps 62:7 In God is my salvation and my glory,the Rock of my strength,and my refuge is in God. Ps78:35 Then they remembered that God was their Rock,and the most high their Redeemer.1Cor 10:4b For they all drank from the miraculous Rock that traveled with them,and that Rock was Christ. So my friend man-made religion is not the answer,the only answer for this world and this generation is Jesus Christ. We all must repent and ask forgiveness of our sins and completely surrender to his Love and his will for our lives. Will you pray this prayer with me and mean it with all your heart,don't play games with God,He knows if you are sincere or not. Jesus I ask that you forgive me I repent of my sins,I don't want to play church,I want to serve you and love you with all my heart and I receive as my Savior and Lord in Jesus Christ name I pray amen. I believe you were sincere when you prayed, and I want to be the first to say,"Welcome into the Family of the Living God. Now you need to get and read the bible,pray and find a place of worship(church) where you can be taught the full complete will of God and have fellowship with other Brothers and Sisters in Christ. And  if you need help or have a question,leave it in the comment area,and I will see if I can help. Always remember,In Christ we are all on this most Holy walk of Faith together!Blessings

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